I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value.

Hermann Hesse (1877 - 1962), writer, poet and painter.

From his practice in Almere Oosterwold, Loek offers analysis (C.G. Jung), analytical therapy, coaching, and executive coaching. He works with clients from various sectors and focuses on individual development as a basis for both qualitative interpersonal processes and individual well-being. Additionally, he trains professionals within his Coaching Academy International.

about Loek Oudeman

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Jungian analysis facilitates profound self-discovery and personal growth, helping individuals to get to know and accept their inner world, to face conflicts in a meaningful way, and to achieve a sense of wholeness. It is suitable for those who feel stuck or who desire further psychological growth.

Analysis (C.G. Jung)

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Jungian Analytical Therapy, as practiced by Loek, is a condensed form of Jungian analysis for specific problems or questions where coaching or cognitive behavioral therapy doesn't (further) help. Guidance ends when the client, through self-examination, has found an appropriate answer to their issue.

Jungian analytical therapy

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Coaching is a non-therapeutic form of guidance that often has a healing effect. In a short, intensive learning process, the client achieves concrete results through self-reflection and practical application. It helps him see his role in problems, utilizes undiscovered possibilities, and realizes self-direction in personal and professional development.


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Executive coaching is effective and high-quality guidance for people with significant responsibilities in complex arenas with many stakeholders and conflicting interests. It provides a personal learning process, an independent and confidential sounding board, and a critical counterpart regarding (ethical) questions surrounding their responsibilities, personal boundaries, and growth.

executive coaching

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Teams and organizations are living organisms with their own characters, shadow sides, talents, and blind spots. During change, human mechanisms such as fear and resistance emerge. Loek guides reflective and dialogical learning processes, working with individuals and teams towards predetermined goals after careful investigation and, where necessary, additional training.

teamcoaching and organisational development

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Teams and organizations are living organisms with their own characters, shadow sides, talents, and blind spots. During change, human mechanisms such as fear and resistance emerge. Loek guides reflective and dialogical learning processes, working with individuals and teams towards predetermined goals after careful investigation and, where necessary, additional training.

teamcoaching and organisational development

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